Monday, 3 December 2007

I Must Have Time for My Fecundity

One of the oddest things about Dubai has always been the absolute lack of community events. With the exception of a few rotary type things and all of those perfume launches featured in Ahlan, everyone else just socializes with work colleagues and the occasional random met in a bar or, if you’re a guy, someone met at the football.

Finally this seems to be changing, as the lonely of Dubai get a bit more cyber-savvy. Casually browsing one finds advert after advert for ‘new to Dubai’ and looking for friends. That’s because everyone else is out with their work colleagues and if you’re not from that type of company the initial settling in can be titanium hard.

Which might explain why now has a Dubai psychics community (two members), a Dubai Parkour community (five members) a Dubai choral singers society (membership of three) and a Dubai ‘Bored Jumeirah Housewife looking for muscular dark eyelashed lover’ (membership eighteen hundred).

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